Friday, November 7, 2014

I Give You My Son

In 1997 an older African man sat next to his son in my sitting room in Abeokuta, Nigeria. He was a man of character and love, and though he had worked hard all of his life, struggled to care for the needs of his children. His son, Segun Babalola, as an elementary student had gone to live with an aunt in Abeokuta, more than 2 hours away from home, and was attending a school nearby. I had met his son along with other boys one day while soulwinning. Segun asked Christ to be his Savior, and had began attending church faithfully. His father came to see me this day to ask me to allow Segun to come and live with me, and to help rear him for the Lord. After sharing his desire with me, and after I willingly and gratefully agreed to do so, he took his young boy by the shoulder and said to me, "I give you my son".

For the next five years I would become like a father to Segun. His father would later go to meet the Lord after his passing. This week, my son, Olusegun Matthew Babalola is marrying a sweet young lady, Tayo Koleosho, who also, grew up in the same church where I pastored in Nigeria, The Solid Rock Independent Baptist Church in Abeokuta. My prayer is that Segun and Tayo will live their lives for Christ. I wrote this poem for Segun on the week of his wedding. I love you, son.

Monday, June 16, 2014

"On the Side of a Hill"

My Dad celebrated his 28th Anniversary as pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Middleburg, Florida, this past Sunday. He has been an inspiration to my life and many hundreds of others. He did not come from a family of preachers, nor did he have a rich Christian pedigree. He, however, learned from the toil of life how to survive the winds of time. I love him and thank God, on this Fathers' Day weekend for my father, Dr. Ken Pledger.

Friday, April 18, 2014

His Song on the Sea
By Tim Pledger

Abandon Ship! Abandon Ship!
Commander’s voice rang clear
The ship was sinking quickly
These brave sailors moved with fear

They plunged into dark waters
Each swam through oily sea
To escape the ol’ Block Island
That was struck by enemy

Young patriots of our land
Had sailed from far to fight fierce war
Yet ne’er could e’er imagine
This tragic night had held in store

For their vessel was torpedoed
Their most valiant never found
Hundreds struggled onto life raft
Wet and weary, yet safe and sound

Men of courage adrift on ocean
Amidst the waves, alone at night
Their shadowy thoughts of peril doom
Wrestling fears and endless fright

They huddled all aboard in masses
Hoping that a rescue near
And then as hope seemed near forgotten
A sailor’s voice came loud and clear

“What have I to dread? What have I to fear?”
“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
“I have blessed peace with My Lord so dear”
“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”

A quiet peace embraced the chaos
A sweet serene filled panicked air
Who was this shipmate with song of Jesus?
Nobody else, but one St.Clair

He had a voice that thundered loudly
A charm that captured those distressed
A spirit undaunted by trial and turmoil
A heart that loved, and words that blessed

He had a conquering love for others
It gave these sailors calm through strife
He showed us faith while in the valley
He unveiled “heaven” while living life

He never wavered in the storms
He always longed for fairer day
Though others drifted without Anchor
Resolved in Christ, he ever stayed

He walked with men of low degree
He ne’er forgot his humble birth
He knew the value of reaching sinners
He felt their pain and saw their worth

He knew of heartache, suffered oft
With heaviness, though rare revealed
His pains were told alone to Jesus
In prayerful closet they’d all been sealed

He brought to each a joy, refreshing
He helped us up when we were down
He threw a lifeline when we were sinking
He gave us strength lest we might drown

For we’ve all been through deep waters
We’ve all at times been sore distressed
And each has hoped in their despair
That they might find a comfort rest

And when in panic mode we cried out
For steadfast soul to calm our fear
While longing for a sure reprieve
We sought a friend who’d share our tear

It seems God gave us Brother Walter
           To lift our hopes, cause fear to flee                
Thank God, at midnight for his dear voice

His Settling Song on Troubled Sea

Saturday, April 12, 2014

"A World Without You"

This is a poem that I wrote for my wife, and read to her on the day of our wedding. I feel the same way today about being married to Kimberly that I felt that nervous, but exciting day, nearly 3 years ago.