Written for Mrs. Sylvia Rager, who for these years, showed up at Vacation Bible School and served more than Snacks. She served us all “Buckets of Love"
As July
summer rolls around
draws near
We get our
games, the crafts, and snacks
For our
favorite time of year
The kids get
all excited
All our
workers get new shirts
We put up
posters, practice skits
And send out
loud alerts
Then here
comes Monday evening
The Buses
roll on in
We sing and
clap and have such fun
Then preach
of hell and sin
The youngins
come in by the droves
With pennies
in their hands
We take up
offerings for the Lord
We’ll send to
foreign lands
Some kids
get loud, some fussy
Some quiet
as a dove
But when
they leave to head on home
They take
Buckets Full of Love
Who made the
Buckets each one bears?
Who put such
love inside?
To pour out
over every child
This Love so
Deep and Wide
For every
child is a gift
The ones
that makes us smile
And even
ones that draw our frown
Who force us
the extra mile
Yes, they
all need bathed with charity
From head to
knees and toes
To rid them
of their hurts and griefs
The pain
only their God knows
Buckets Full
of Jesus Love
Dripped over
every kid
To heal
wounds of a cruel world
Their scars
so often hid
Who gathered
all these cherished pails
And placed
such care in them
Who emptied
all a mother’s love
And filled
them to the brim
This love
that soothes a child soul
And gives
them joy anew
I know who
poured these Buckets
Sweet Mrs.
Rager, It was YOU.