Thursday, December 19, 2019

Yuletide Grief Noone Knows

I woke up this morning thinking about an annual tradition my family has celebrated for many years. I have loved to go around my neighborhood, to the homeless and shut-ins to sing Christmas Carols every Christmas Eve. We take homemade cookies and cheer and spend an hour or two showing up unannounced at the doorsteps of unsuspecting people.

Church members have gone with us. Both of our parents have gone with us, as well as each of our kids and my sister. I love doing it if for no other reason than to see the reaction of people when they answer their doors and we begin to sing. However, I love to do this as well because I know that people are often lonely and depressed during the holidays. We sing to people who have buried their spouses or gone through great trials the previous year. I search these people out particularly  and show up for even 10 or 15 minutes in the dark hours of their lives to attempt to lift their burden. I wrote this poem for these. I wrote it for those who have grief none knows but Jesus.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

She Saved It In Her Heart

I had the blessing of going to lunch today with my mother. She turns 75 years old tomorrow. She has loved me for all the days of my life. She invested into my life when I was too young to appreciate her late nights and weary days. I am not certain if I have always lived up to her expectations and hopes for me, but I have always desired to make her and my father pleased with my life and choices. I am not all I wish I was for the Lord, but what I am, I owe to parents. Happy 75th, Mom!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My Quiet

I needed her more than she needed me. God brought the gentlest soul into my life eight years ago when I said,"I do". Life is often turbulent for those who live for the Lord, as well as the unbeliever. It is a joy when you come across those who have a timid and yet powerful spirit. Those who are settled and peaceable bring refreshment to the hearts of those near them. Such is the case with my wonderful wife, Kim Pledger. She speaks calm and peace to those who know her. She is, "My Quiet". 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

He Held onto the Rope

Ten years ago, I was blessed to present this poem to Dr. Russell Anderson. He was preaching at our church in Florida as he has done on several occasions. We wanted to do something to show our gratitude for his many years of labor and love for those who preach the gospel, particularly the late, Dr. Jack Hyles. Brother Anderson was like a brother to him and will always be remembered for his investment into the ministry of First Baptist Church and Hyles Anderson College. Dr. Anderson "held onto the rope" as Brother Hyles gave his life for the souls of men. Both made a great impact for Christ and His kingdom. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Prayer For Our Finest Families

In August of 2018, Clay County Sheriffs Office and our community lost one of our own, Deputy Ben Zirbel. The burden of those who serve in law enforcement and in the military does not only fall on the shoulders of those in uniform, but weighs heavily on the lives and hearts of their families. This poem was written for all the families of those who go into harms way that we might sleep in peace at night.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

"Calvary" by Bruce Brooker

Brother Bruce Brooker has been my friend and the driver of my Sunday School bus for the past many years. He has driven a church bus for Calvary for the last 12 years. He is also a Junior Boys' Sunday School teacher, and an usher for our church in Middleburg, Florida. He recently wrote a poem for my father who led him to Jesus nearly 20 years ago in his front yard on a Thursday night. The poem speaks of his love for his pastor and church. I hope it will be a blessing.