Thursday, July 2, 2020

You've Made Me Better

A wife/husband should strive to make their spouse a better person for being united in matrimony. I knew that Kim (Maddox) Pledger would make me a better individual from the first time I met her. I was to meet her and go on our first date in Panama City in late 2010, when she notified me that our date would need to be delayed slightly due to her commitment to sing at the funeral of her pastor's mother inlaw. I showed up at the graveside, watched her bless the hearts of those grieving Afterwards we were off to our first date. Since that day and now after 9 years of marriage, I know she was made for me as well as I for her. She completes me and helps me in areas where I have  am weak. I could not do all that I do without her. She is my inspiration. Thank you, Kim for "making me better"