Friday, August 18, 2017

He Was Bold, And I Was Scared

 At the age of nineteen I became friends with a man that would change my life. Armando Calinisan was a dear brother who was saved in 1983 while serving the US Navy in Jacksonville, Florida. He was a Filipino and had come to America with his wife and two young sons. He would become a tireless bus captain, avid soul winner, and later a fearless missionary-church planter for Christ back in his homeland. While in Bible College, he took me with him many times preaching on the streets, and going door-to-door. It was this time he spent with me that helped me as a young preacherboy to become more willing to die to my flesh, face my fears, and be a bolder witness for Christ. This week, "Mandy" stepped out into eternity. However, his love for Christ and the souls of men will never be forgotten.

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